AAFCO LABEL APPROVED Kitten & Cat Food Supplement


9.9 lbs.


AAFCO LABEL APPROVED American Meats and Produce Service Kitten & Cat Food offer nutritional meal for your cats friends. It is easy on their digestive tract and adds more nutrients to their food you already serve to your cats. You can use our Meat Company; American Meats and Produce Service to buy 100% American Natural U.S.D.A Certified Free Roaming Cattle Raised Without Artificial Hormones, Grass/Grain-Fed Black Angus and our other meat products Chicken, Lamb and Pork. Other ingredients are dehydrated and freeze dried. Always consult your vet before adding or modifying your kitten or cats diet. Read label for instructions of AAFCO LABEL APPROVED American Meats and Produce Service Supplement. Product of Armstrong Meat and Produce Company. Thank God for our furry little friends and family!